Score Companies or Investors
Instant, AI-driven access to the highest quality prospects (companies or investors), scored for relevance.
Data Aggregation
Public data sources paid financial data providers private & proprietary data
AI Relevance Scoring
Data reconciliation semantic data & nlp prediction & analytics
Natural Language Search
Company & deal search engine in-deph company activities market insights & deal signals
Private Equity Data
Find PE investors and companies that received PE investments
Venture Capital Data
Find VC investors and companies that received VC investments
Our Data, Your Edge
Effortless, Accurate Search: Just Describe It
All search features use different ranking methodologies with
the objective to differentiate the level of match among
results depending on your search scenarios
- Public data sources
- Private and proprietary data
- Semantic data and NLP (Natural Language Processing)
- Advanced AI scoring for relevance
- Market insights and deal signals
- Company and deal search engine
- Access to data on 35M companies
Score Targets for Relevance
Use our proprietary scoring algorithm to more deeply analyze and score your prospect pool, so you have the perfect sorted list.
- Advanced data analytics for precise candidate matching
- Sophisticated algorithms to identify top-tier talent
- Highly specific skills and experience criteria
- Regularly updated with the latest candidate information
- Tailored to meet executive and specialized role requirements
- Focused on quality and relevance of candidates
- Comprehensive profiles including qualifications and experiences
Enrich with Contacts for Outreach
Find the best contacts within your top scored prospect pool and get their contact information.
- Public data sources
- Private and proprietary data
- Semantic data and NLP (Natural Language Processing)
- Advanced AI scoring for relevance
- Market insights and deal signals
- Company and deal search engine
- Access to data on 35M companies